Sunday, November 4, 2007

How to Prevent a Gaming Hangover

We gamers have to indulge ourselves every now and then. I call it going into stasis.

To any gamer who has had the luxury to game uninterrupted for a long chunk of time is no newbie to the gaming hangover. A gaming hangover is a disgusting and dreaded thing. It begins with sever lethargy. Then, time begins to vanish. And in the end, you end up dazed, disgruntled, and late for work.

The easiest way to avoid a gaming hangover is very simple.

Don’t gorge yourself on videogames. Play reasonable, but never spend more than two to three hours a day playing. But, if you do decide to go for the gusto, these are some simple steps that can ease a gaming hangover, and make the gaming experience all the more pleasant. You may even come out of the binge feeling sort of human.

1. Eat, but don’t eat too much. Buy some lean quzines or something as equally quick and low cal. You aren’t going to be spending much energy so you don’t need to eat as much.

2. Don’t binge game when you have immediate deadlines. Just do the work before you game. I know, most of the time when you binge game your putting something off, procrastination is part of it, but if you have a deadline at noon the next day don’t spend the whole day playing WOW.

3. Feed your pets. Gerbils die without food. The more you know.

4. Bathe. For all that is good and holy bathe. Your roommates will appreciate it. And it will make you feel better. Very few things are grosser than gamer funk.

5. Sleep normally. Go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up at a reasonable hour. If you have a hard time going to sleep because of your over stimulated brain, try listening to classical music and taking a Tylenol PM.

6. Lastly understand that when you come out of stasis, you will be a little disconnected from reality. Do something that can ground you again. Read a book. Listen to some music. Get your mind off the game. It can help you regain some measure of sanity.

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