Friday, November 16, 2007

The Five Rules of Being a Game Master

The five golden rules to being a GM are as follows.

One: Know your place. You are there to entertain, not to win. It is not you vs. them. You are partners with them in an attempt to develop a story.

Two: Plan ahead. Sometimes you just don’t have time to draw up maps and create the bad guys character sheets, but you can spend at least thirty minutes to an hour thinking about it beforehand.

Three: Be flexible. Sometimes things don’t work out like you plan; you can’t force the players down a specific path, that would piss them off.

Four: Keep your cool. Don’t ever blow a gasket at your players. They will not come back to you game. No one wants to play under a cranky Game master. I know I don’t.

Five: You are not God. Keep your ego in check. Sometimes your players will know more than you will about something. It happens, it shouldn’t break your will. If one of your players is being a jerk to you about his superior knowledge, either take him aside after the game and talk to him, or just don’t invite him anymore.

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