Thursday, July 10, 2008

Web Comics and Flash Vids

Hello internet.

I am back so that I can talk to you about web comics.

I love good web comics. A good web comic is entertaining and insightful. I can even be moving or intellectual. Good web comic can even be art.

However, that being said...

There is a lot of crap out there. Especially in the seedy underworld of video game web comics. I would go on, but Yahtzee Croshaw did so already with a plethora of swears and the worst image Yahtzee has ever made. Click on the title of todays blog to view video.

If you haven't checked out Zero Punctuation before, you should. Yahtzee has a voice that speaks the truth about games and the playing thereof.

Yahtzee in a genius. Perhaps an evil genius. Perhaps a evil genius that speaks about penises far too often. But a genius none the less.

A couple good webcomics are: xkcd (may not be suitable for art majors), Keychain of Creation (May not be suitable for the unexalted), and Saturday morning breakfast cereal (May not be suitable for people with a wheat allergy).

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