Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Come on! Don't I get a roll?

OK. It's rant time.Though I have never taken part in this internet pastime of screaming angry feelings in a livejournalsque expression of suburban middleclass angst that no one actually cares about. So what's a better way to go about entering this world of trolls and troll bait, than by posting a rant about roleplaying drama.

A recent session of Exalted ran by a friend of mine ended in tears in no figurative meaning of the word. And not the good kind of, hey that game was so incredibly awesome kind of tears, or the I can't believe that character died kind of tears. It ended in the "I am so disturbed by the way that game happened that I feel like talking about it with non-geeks on the subway about it in the hopes that someone will give a shit.

So just so everyone understands just how important roleplaying drama is, I have made a chart of things people get upset about. 1 being the most valid and 10 being the least valid.

1. Nuclear war. Boom the world is dead.

2. Horrific crimes. Murder, grand theft, arson.

3. Infidelity. Cheaters never prosper, but in the words of Jimmy eat world "Cheating gets it faster."

4. Communism and Fascism. "Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff"- Frank Zappa. Facisms great, if your a fascist...

5. Naruto and Narutards. I like Akira, but I don't go around wearing a big red cape. Though I suppose wearing a metal headband will come in handy when I decide to shoot paint balls at you while your trading pokemon cards in the cafeteria at your art school.

6. Someone bumping into you and not apologizing. Hey! Jerk...

7. Someone bumping into you and apologizing. Alright, just look where you're going next time.

8. Role Playing drama.

9. Someone being wrong on the internet.

10. Internet roleplaying drama.

So in the end it is less important to be angry about roleplaying drama, than it is to be mad at someone that bumps into you and apologizes. Though it is more valid than anything on the internet.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Finally my life has calmed down enough to post again.

I am on a vampire kick right now, caused by my purchase of Vampire: The Requiem. A must have for rolplaying/vampire fans.

White Wolf's world of darkness system is one of the most fluid and dramatic systems out there. It's less game more roleplaying. The combat is simple, the character creations guidelines are on the bottom of the character sheets making it easier to get people working on their characters.

That being said, the stagnate and melodramatic world of the undead lends itself to parody. A good friend of mine has set up an online radioshow,oldschool style. And in one of the shows many hilarious sketches, they parody the world of requiem quiet well. I invite everyone to check it out. It's part of the fourth episode.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Web Comics and Flash Vids

Hello internet.

I am back so that I can talk to you about web comics.

I love good web comics. A good web comic is entertaining and insightful. I can even be moving or intellectual. Good web comic can even be art.

However, that being said...

There is a lot of crap out there. Especially in the seedy underworld of video game web comics. I would go on, but Yahtzee Croshaw did so already with a plethora of swears and the worst image Yahtzee has ever made. Click on the title of todays blog to view video.

If you haven't checked out Zero Punctuation before, you should. Yahtzee has a voice that speaks the truth about games and the playing thereof.

Yahtzee in a genius. Perhaps an evil genius. Perhaps a evil genius that speaks about penises far too often. But a genius none the less.

A couple good webcomics are: xkcd (may not be suitable for art majors), Keychain of Creation (May not be suitable for the unexalted), and Saturday morning breakfast cereal (May not be suitable for people with a wheat allergy).